I just finished printing these cards for GeoffMcFetridge--to accompany his (excellent) show at the Seattle Art Museum. totally thrilled to print stuff for Geoff + also totally happily surprised at how well the fine lines of his designs printed (see, particularly, man upside down on chair).
I broke out my bushtit silkscreen + some of John's fluorescent pink ink (which, by the way, I discovered after the fact is NOT water soluble) to print on the little machine parts bags I have:
Mike provided me with a sketch of him + Jenee, which I old-time-ified, on account of their old-time Washington-slept-here wedding location. I also bought a perforation blade for the cutting board to make the rsvp cards. (We really did sit at one super long table at the wedding reception.)
Wedding invitations for Chad and Mary. I invested in a font of stars from the M & H foundry, so as to be a little more Texan. I also found the digital equivalent of one of my favorite metal fonts (Alt Gothic #2) + used the Gocco printer for the envelope + rsvp.
some examples of endsheets I've printed for the Cloverfield Press books. For each book I print both the covers and the endsheets--I give the offset press the printed endsheets before the books are bound, so they are part of the binding and trimmed with the rest of the book. I've designed all of the endsheet patterns--generally a riff on the cover art...
1. inside the front cover of Ventura County:
2. the first endsheet I designed, for The Museum of Contemporary Art by Carol Treadwell. The cover has a lone stroller, which I morphed into a wallpaper:
3. the inside pattern for Hot Springs by Mary Rechner. The cover features a minivan.
4. the inside cover of Cubist Infant by Justus Ballard (based on cover art by Ann Faison):
thank you cards, celebrating that lovely sombra font.
happy birthday and thank you cards, two sizes, two color schemes, based on "HELLO MY NAME IS" stickers, contrasted with the unevenness of the metal type:
cards and tags based on the linoleum tiles i unearthed on the floor of the kitchen in the back house:
I got this calendar out a wee bit late, so the dates stretch into 2009. (I'm also reprinting this for 2009). This calendar is a collabo with Alex--he did all the excellent research + all the excellent blurb writing. It is chock full of odd LA history gems + introduced me to both Tiny Broadwick and Georgeous George. all of the months follow: (as with the previous year's calendar, the images are linoleum blocks I cut + the text is all hand-set)
"Two-dimensional wondercabinets for the rural cosmopolitan"
From the motorized platen press in my mossy-green Silver Lake garage (and the metal type library in my basement) I incorporate my drawings and woodcuts into handprinted calendars, greeting cards, books, bags and other assorted ephemera. Amongst the fascinations of Krank Press: backyard zoology, Los Angeles history, classic American graphics and fonts, vehicles.